Rebel Wisdom

Ideas, insights and inspiration for Enlightened Rebels.

Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

Don't Make Managers Better, Eliminate Management

Management is the business equivalent of the Titanic. Let’s figure out how to do it differently. What if we decided people are adults and can be smart and motivated, and if given the opportunity, a team of people TOGETHER could actually design better jobs, better metrics, better processes, and better division of labor than any one boss/manager/genius/hero ever could?

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

Eight Ways to Foster a Culture of Trust

Employees in high-trust organizations are more productive, have more energy at work, collaborate better with their colleagues, and stay with their employers longer than people working at low-trust companies. They also suffer less chronic stress and are happier with their lives, and these factors fuel stronger performance.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

10 Principles of Emergent Organizations

Ten design principles are foundational to the future of organizations and the kinds of mindsets and behaviors that are needed to bring a legacy organization into the 21st century.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

The Future of Management is Teal

Many of us sense that the current way we run organizations has been stretched to its limits and we are increasingly disillusioned by organizational life. Frederic Laloux suggests that another, more soulful organizational model may be just around the corner.

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