Rebel Wisdom

Ideas, insights and inspiration for Enlightened Rebels.

Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

The Coaching Habit

Effective leaders “boss” less, and coach more. The essence of coaching lies in helping others and unlocking their potential. By doing so, you share responsibility, don’t find yourself working as hard, and can have a greater impact.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

Enlightened Rebel Leadership

Enlightened Rebels recognize the need to question some of the long-accepted notions around leadership that are no longer relevant. They find better ways to lead and create inspired workplaces.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

How to Take the Stress Out of Leadership

Leadership is about three outcomes. The focus is less on “The Leader” and a laundry list of individual leadership competencies and more on “The Leadership Process” and helping everyone pay attention to its essential elements.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

10 Qualities of Facilitative Leaders

Leadership can exist everywhere and anywhere. It's not associated with a position. Leaders are people who help us to change. They sometimes are those who occupy positions of power, but often they are not. Facilitative leadership is an attitude that anyone can practice.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

Vertical Leadership Development

Nick Petrie makes a case for moving beyond traditional approaches that emphasize horizontal (knowledge, skills, and competencies) leadership development. He argues that vertical development (thinking in more complex, systemic, and interdependent ways) is what’s increasingly needed in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world.

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Jeff Thoren Jeff Thoren

The Dawn of System Leadership

Today’s problems and challenges require a unique type of leader – the system leader – a person who catalyzes collective leadership.

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